The Department of English has been identified as"Star Department" under UGC-CPE Scheme. It comprises eight permanent professors and offers courses at U.G., P.G. and Ph.D. levels. It has an illustrious history with regard to eminent academia-- Dr. Siddique, Dr. A.Q.Khan, Dr. S.B.K. Murthy, Dr. B. Saxena, Dr. Chandani, Dr. S.C. Sharma and Dr G.P. Dubey, who contributed a lot to enrich its academic life.The department envisions to make its students proficient in English language.It aspires to sensitize the students towards literature keeping pace with new trends in language and literature.
The Department works with the mission of giving its students a firm foundation of English language. Our mission is also to inculcate literary sense, aesthetic sensibility, humanistic understanding and cross-cultural literary insight in a conducive and naturalistic environment. The ultimate focus is to cultivate critical thinking leading to creativity and innovation.